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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Foray in Kazakhstan

That's 8,543 km.

I've always lived within a 3 km circle of neighborhoods in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan...but I'll be leaving the city... province... country... continent... and hemisphere where I've lived for 38 years in order to gain some international work experience in Astana, Kazakhstan.

That's a move of about 500 km south to Montana...and then 8600 km east, to the opposite side of the planet - about 8,543 km as the ptarmigan flies (over the north pole). Can't get much further away between the 51st and 52nd parallels (~250 km further east into Kazakhstan would be about 13 km further from Saskatoon over the pole).

My first-time visit to the Russian/Asian part of the world will be in January, 2019. I'll be looking for a place to live...

Posts and updates to come in 2019.

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